ADEL - 79 Iron Tonic

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ADEL - 79 Iron Tonic
ADEL - 79 Iron Tonic

Arsenicum album acts on all cells of the organism and shows a wide field of efficacy. So it stops progressive development of weakness, including septic infection states and chronic catarrh of all mucous membranes and improves the quality of blood.

Ceanothus americanus, is an important liver – spleen remedy. lt regulates the quality of the blood and increases the number of erythrocytes. Additionally, it drains the whole intestine and is an active hemostatic, materially reducing the clotting of blood.

Cinchona pubescens works against extreme weakness and acts together with Ceanothus against swelling of the liver and spleen and a dis-balanced heart functioning. The anaemia turns up by all bad states of the internal organs

Cobaltum nitricum is a basic material for blood forming processes. It is necessary to protect the body against anaemia, and regulates the activity of all endocrine glands.

Cuprum sulfuricum too is needed for lamentable states of the blood quality. lt is a catalyst for several enzymes in the body, reduces cramps and helps the venous system against congestions.

Ferrum metallicum is metallic iron which acts chiefly on the blood producing rapid oxidation with thermo-regulation and improves extreme weakness and emaciation.

Manganum aceticum is a salt to stimulate the activity of the most ferments and stands besides the iron against anaemic states and is a good ingredient for all biological oxidation processes.

Natrium muriaticum is a deep acting matter for all states of malnutrition on account of holding back catabolism materials, which appear as anaemia or chlorosis, extreme weakness and other states of a disturbed metabolism.

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COMPOSITION: Arsenicum album 12x, Ceanothus americanus 5x, Cinchona pubescens 4x, Cobaltum nitricum 6x, Cuprum sulfuricum 6x, Ferrum metallicum 12x, Manganum aceticum 6x, Natrium muriaticum 12x.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: (Unless otherwise prescribed)
Adults one tablespoon, Children one teaspoon, 3 times a day.

INDICATIONS: For anaemia due to iron deficiency, poor nutrition, pregnancy, excessive bleeding and all other causes resulting in poor stimulation of iron exploitation by the body.

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Pack Size 250 ML
Eyes & Sight No
Price ₹870.00
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